NIH SBIR/STTR: Proposal Preparation Intensive

Is your company considering or planning on submitting a proposal for SBIR/STTR funding through the National Institutes of Health (NIH)?  If you are targeting the January 5, 2026 submission deadline, you better start the process now! Yes, Now!   During this...

NSF Proposal Development Series

The National Science Foundation (NSF) invests more than $200 million annually in their SBIR/STTR Program to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; and to secure the national defense. NSF-funded research has led to...

DOD SBIR: Overview of Program & Components

The DOD SBIR and STTR programs offer a wide range of opportunities for small firms to address military needs in just about every technology area from software to training systems, from medical products to air, land and sea platforms. Join us for an overview of the...

“From the Sources’ Mouth” Section 174

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provisions enacted in 2022 created entirely new guidelines on research and development expenses for many businesses. SBIR grant-funded startups have been particularly impacted. Capitalization and amortization of R&D expenses could potentially...

NIH Proposal Development Training

Is your company considering or planning on submitting a proposal for SBIR/STTR funding through the National Institutes of Health (NIH)?  If you are targeting the September submission deadline, you better start the process now! Yes, Now!   During this workshop,...