Essentials of SBIR/STTR Commercialization

Commercialization and transition plans can be a key differentiators in the SBIR/STTR programs, it is important to know what the agencies are looking for and how to go about developing a good plan. This session will review the requirements and guide you through where...

How to Prepare a Budget for SBIR/STTR Proposals

A proper budget can be an effective tool in driving your SBIR/STTR project from start to finish.  Be sure not to leave money on the table! This session walks through the development of a project budget including what costs need to be included, how to write a budget...

NIH Specific Aims Clinic

Your Specific Aims page is the most important page in your NIH SBIR/STTR proposal. Join this virtual classroom and discover how to craft the strongest possible Aims page to make the best impression on your reviewers. In this interactive 2-hour clinic our expert will...

NSF SBIR/STTR: Proposal Preparations

The National Science Foundation (NSF) invests more than $200 million annually in their SBIR/STTR Program to promote the progress of science; to advance national health, prosperity, and welfare; and to secure the national defense. NSF-funded research has led to...