The government’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs make over $4 billion in high-risk, non-dilutive capital available to innovative small companies annually. The process is complex with a steep learning curve, but the impact of receiving $millions in non-dilutive funding is worth the effort.
Find out if your technology company is eligible for non-dilutive (FREE) federal funding through the government’s SBIR/STTR program. Join us for this webinar covering SBIR/STTR program basics including program purpose; eligibility; and sources of funding.
Training Sponsored by BBCetc Catalyst Advantage Network
BBCetc Catalyst Advantage Network (C.A.N.) provides the benefit of BBCetc’s SBIR/STTR expertise along with Capita3’s leadership training to give women entrepreneurs what’s needed to successfully transform your technology into a viable product or service and secure government funding. Lean more here.
Do you know about Michigan’s SBIR/STTR Assistance Program? The Michigan SBIR/STTR Assistance Program provides SBIR/STTR training and proposal development services to technology companies with most costs covered by a state grant. The program is managed by BBCetc.
Funds for this initiative were provided by the 21st Century Jobs Fund, a MSF program designed to accelerate the growth and diversification of Michigan’s economy.